: take a chance :
Are you up to a challenge? If you answered in the affirmative then keep reading.

I'm starting a contest. Basically I choose the subject, and you write a short story or poem based on this subject. Mind you, this is a dark/gothic/sci-fi/fantasy domain so I want to read something original, that fits with the theme of the domain, and based on the subject chosen. How you interpret the subject is up to you.

The best entry wins a prize, which will be a gift certificate worth $25 or $50 dollars or something off the winner's wishlist. The size of the prize will be determined by the number of entries I receive and donations. Let me repeat, you do not have to donate in order to enter the contest, but it's appreciated. The bigger the donation the better the prize.

The rules:

You can enter as many times as you want within the deadline specified. The only thing I don't want to read is cheesy, offensive, discriminatory writing. You send that to me, I send it back. The same goes for plagerism. No fan fiction. No writings that are off topic. Current blackglass hostees may not particpate. And no, a blood and guts story does not impress me or the other judges. Remember, we're looking for quality. If you can make a gory story look impressive then you've done a good job now haven't you.

The judges and I reserve the right not to choose a winner if there are insufficient entries, or if there just wasn't anything that we considered winning the prize. Either way I will make an announcement. There were no winners for the October contest.

The contest will run every two months or so, and I will pick one grand prize winner and three runners up. All winners will have their entry posted on this domain, but the grand prize winner gets the prize as well. It's that simple. Any questions? If you do then send me an email, otherwise keep reading to get the details for the next official contest.

Deadline: July 27, 2004
The subject: Use the line, "The hour in which the curtain rises."
What to submit: poetry and/or short fiction (no novels)
Prize: TBA

To submit your entry please fill out the following form. Make sure you fill out everything or your entry will be disqualified. If for some reason your entry does not go through, send it to me via email with 'contest' in the subject line.




Url (if applicable):

Your entry (be sure to include a title):

And please, it would be appreciated if you donated. It's not required, but it does make the prize a bit more worthwhile and helps with the upkeep of this domain.

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